Bloomberg needed a site-specific brand to embody their unique positioning in Tech. Our wayfinding system imbues their SF space with a memorable layer of identity and story.


I co-wrote the foundational design strategy, designed multiple brand concepts including the selected direction, produced a schematic design package with prototypes for 15 unique sign types, researched and sourced content for historical plaques, and managed final sign production including on-site installation.


In concert with Iwamoto Scott’s interior architecture—which infuses the 22nd and 23rd floor of 140 New Montgomergy’s art-deco skyscraper with bespoke materials and modular spaces—our brand opportunity was to take cues from the overall Bloomberg brand, the site’s tech-centric location in SF’s SOMA neighborhood, and the inventive, research-based activities happening here.


The tech hub is a laboratory of science and art: its occupants attempt to create new uses and applications for the data that Bloomberg is so famous for aggregating. This intersection is visually embodied in the Platonic solids, symbols from ancient Greek times that were thought to be the base material of the physical world while also having spiritual and symbolic significance.


Platonic solids—the foundational brand elements— “unfold” in tessellating horizontal bands that speak to both the concrete world and the creative potential of that world. The polyhedra recombine as “compound solids” when denoting spaces that foster contemplation and/or collaboration.

An elegant and not-expected design solution for a corporate headquarters. It gives careful consideration to honoring both historical precedent and technological advancements, while harmoniously working within the building’s material finish palette. A successful precedent for what a corporate interior can be. –SEGD Design Awards Jury


Historical precedents were used for inspirational vignettes that are silkscreened in metallic gold on steel panels and attached to the existing concrete columns. Sample vignettes include a diagram of how one person’s eye moved when viewing the Nefertiti bust, one of Darwin’s Origin of the Species charts, and an infographic that compares the size of an organism against its life span. These vignettes are fodder in which to motivate future accomplishments.


individual signs
and plaques installed


design awards and feature articles garnered


word case study on


Design Agency: Volume Inc.; Creative Directors: Eric Heiman, Adam Brodsley; Design Director: Bryan Bindloss; Designers: Bryan Bindloss, Eric Heiman, Jon Hioki, Aine Coughlan; Leah Elamin; Fabrication: WeidnerCA